Wednesday, November 29, 2006

8 Steps to Getting Your Finances in Order

1. Develop a family budget. Instead of budgeting what you’d like to spend, use receipts to create a budget for what you actually spent over the last six months. One advantage of this approach is that it factors in unexpected expenses, such as car repairs, illnesses, etc., as well as predictable costs such as rent.

2. Reduce your debt. Generally speaking, lenders look for a total debt load of no more than 36 percent of income. Since this figure includes your mortgage, which typically ranges between 25 percent and 28 percent of income, you need to get the rest of installment debt—car loans, student loans, revolving balances on credit cards—down to between 8 percent and 10 percent of your total income.

3. Get a handle on expenses. You probably know how much you spend on rent and utilities, but little expenses add up. Try writing down everything you spend for one month. You’ll probably see some great ways to save.

4. Increase your income. It may be necessary to take on a second, part-time job to get your income at a high-enough level to qualify for the home you want.

5. Save for a downpayment. Although it’s possible to get a mortgage with only 5 percent down—or even less in some cases—you can usually get a better rate and a lower overall cost if you put down more. Shoot for saving a 20 percent downpayment.

6. Create a house fund. Don’t just plan on saving whatever’s left toward a downpayment. Instead decide on a certain amount a month you want to save, then put it away as you pay your monthly bills.

7. Keep your job. While you don’t need to be in the same job forever to qualify, having a job for less than two years may mean you have to pay a higher interest rate.

8. Establish a good credit history. Get a credit card and make payments by the due date. Do the same for all your other bills. Pay off the entire balance promptly.

reprinted by permission from the national association of realtors. all rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

5 Things To Do Before Putting Your Home on the Market

1. Do your rooms look cluttered? Remove some of the furniture and put it in storage along with unnecessary clutter from your garage, attic, basement, closets, and yard.
2. Have a professional termite inspection.
3. Clean the entire house, including the windows, floors, kitchen, bathrooms, and shampoo the carpets. A clean house always shows better. Don't forget to mow the yard!
4. Make minor repairs to the house, like dripping faucets, running toilets, leaking showers.
5. Patch any missing or loose shingles.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

5 Factors That Decide Your Credit Score

Credit scores range between 200 and 800. Scores above 620 are considered desirable for obtaining a mortgage. These factors will affect your score.

Your payment history. Whether you paid credit card obligations on time.

How much you owe. Owing a great deal of money on numerous accounts can indicate that you are overextended.

The length of your credit history. In general, the longer the better.

How much new credit you have. New credit, either installment payments or new credit cards, are considered more risky, even if you pay promptly.

The types of credit you use. Generally, it’s desirable to have more than one type of credit—installment loans, credit cards, and a mortgage, for example.

For more on evaluating and understanding your credit score, go to

Reprinted from Realtor Magazine Online with premission of the National Association of Realors. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Why would You need a Realtor?

1. Locating suitable properties.
2. Previewing properties.
3. Verifying the properties’ condition.
4. Suggesting necessary inspections by experts.
5. Helping buyers determine what they can afford.
6. Verifying property taxes and utilities.
7. Verifying the value of the property.
8. Advising clients on structuring an offer.
9. Presenting the offer to the sellers’ representative.
10. Negotiating favorable contract terms for the buyer.
11. Explaining legal documents needed for closing and helping secure them.
12. Assisting in securing financing.
13. Assisting buyers and their attorney in clarifying title, zoning, building codes, and access easements.
14. Referring them to qualified vendors.
15. Analyzing the future salability of the property.

Buying a home is probably the largest investment you will make. Have some one on your side, working FOR you. Send me an email or call me to talk more on what I will do for you as your Buyer's Agent. or 919-815-1356

Friday, November 03, 2006

Tips for Finding the Perfect Neighborhood

Tips for Finding the Perfect Neighborhood

The neighborhood you choose can have a big impact on your lifestyle—safety, available amenities, and convenience all play their part.

Make a list of the activities—movies, health club, church—you engage in regularly and stores you visit frequently. See how far you would have to travel from each neighborhood you’re considering to engaging in your most common activities.

Check out the school district. The Department of Education in your town can probably provide information on test scores, class size, percentage of students who attend college, and special enrichment programs. If you have school-age children, also consider paying a visit to schools in the neighborhoods you’re considering. Even if you don’t have children, a house in a good school district will be easier to sell in the future.

Find out if the neighborhood is safe. Ask the police department for neighborhood crime statistics. Consider not only the number of crimes but also the type—burglaries, armed robberies—and the trend of increasing or decreasing crime. Also, is crime centered in only one part of the neighborhood, such as near a retail area?

Determine if the neighborhood is economically stable. Check with your local city economic development office to see if income and property values in the neighborhood are stable or rising. What is the percentage of homes to apartments? Apartments don’t necessarily diminish value, but they do mean a more transient population. Do you see vacant businesses or homes that have been for sale for months?

See if you’ll make money. Ask a local REALTORÃ’ or call the local REALTORÃ’ association to get information about price appreciation trends in the neighborhood. Although past performance is no guarantee of future results, this information may give you a sense of how good an investment your home will be. A REALTORÃ’ or the government planning agency also may be able to tell you about planned developments or other changes in the neighborhood—like a new school or highway—that might affect value.

See for yourself. Once you’ve narrowed your focus to two or three neighborhoods, go there, and walk around. Are homes tidy and well maintained? Are streets quiet? Pick a warm day if you can and chat with people working or playing outside. Are they friendly? Are their children to play with your family?

**Reprinted with permission from**


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